Sunday, August 3, 2008


This is a photograph of the hundreds of leaves that grow on a tree canopying my driveway. What I always loved about these leaves is the fact that they are shaped like a heart.

6 comments: said...

I really like how they are coming out of the shadow. nice photo!

Lydia said...

They are beautiful leaves and the shot is nice in B&W, more drama than green. Arnold, check out if this is ivy. If so, and if it's truly growing around and up the trunk of the tree it is most likely killing the tree, suffocating it. In Oregon they form bands of volunteers who attack ivy in the forests (I'm not kidding!)

Anonymous said...

Fab shot Arnold. I would use this as a print in my home. Good stuff.

Double Hawk said...

At first I thought that were on a pond!

Ian France said...

Lydia - don't worry, these leaves are a part of the tree, it isn't ivy, and I know that for a fact.

Double Hawk - I can see why you thought the leaves were on a pond, interesting viewpoint though.

Lydia said...

Whew! That makes them all the more beautiful!